In 8 days, you folks are finally going to get to play this thing :) It has been a bumpy road, with a lot of learning on my end (new framework, coding language, and I haven't made a complete game in 15 years), but through the ups and downs I think we have a game worthy of (at the very least) not getting blammed :D
Before I go into my list of Thank You's, here is a list of things that have been added (since the last time I wrote a Dev Journal).
- Finally got around to making the movement smoother within the game, by utilizing the RigidBody as opposed to using transform.Translate. I stepped outside of my comfort zone and the movement is A LOT smoother!
- I finished the Character Select Screens (for Levels 1-3)
- I finished the General Gameplay (minus a few hiccups) for Levels 1-3
- I added Explosions, Music, and Sound Effects.
- I added the in-game storyline that dynamically changes based on which characters you select.
- I fixed a lot of the Collision Issues we were experiencing (minus the Level 2 Shield)
- Add Animations for Level 2
What I need to complete (in order for us to ship this bitch):
- Write and Implement the Main Story (Gotta Save the Best for Last)
- Add Better Effects Transitions on the Final Bosses
- Add a Final Boss to Level 3
- Implement Character Art for Level 3
- Polish the Main, Game Over, and Level Complete Screens
- Implement new art for the "Power-Ups"
- Build the Credits Screen (so that some fantastic people can shine)
If I have time, I really do want to add Newgrounds Medals... So if I fix everything in time... I'll be adding some medals :)
Now, I am the WORST ARTIST to ever live (and that is an understatement), I'm also a musically challenged individual.. So I have to give props to those who helped me make something awesome:
If you want to see this game made live... and watch me make some silly mistakes (so that you don't have to), check out my twitch channel!
I honestly cannot wait to play. This looks so awesome. :D
Your Music Added an awesome feel for the game bromigo! Thank you for helping out!