The First Level Gameplay is making some amazing progress, though I don't feel that we have passed 80% yet, I am starting to see the vision come to life and it is an amazing thing to see. Today, was the first time that I was able to play through the game from beginning to end (and have a somewhat fun experience in the process). I managed to accomplish the following tasks:
- Fixed the "Knock Back Issue" with Mini Bosses
- Added the Level One Final Boss
- Fixed the Enemy Generator (To go through the entire level)
- Added the Aki Asset (Image Below)
- Added Power-Ups (Shield Up, Extra Gun, Health Up)
TheRealCornelius hooked me up with some Amazing Fighter Jet Artwork for the Aki and Danoba Characters! (You'll come to meet them soon) Check it out:
Tomorrow at 5am, I am going to be working on the Following Issues:
- Smoother Movement (No More Pushing It to the Side, I have to get it done)
- Slow Down the Movement Speed
- AI Characters (These are the Second and Third Characters who will accompany the Main Player)
- (If they are complete) apply the new Assets for Bombs.
- (If we get the gameplay to a Satisfactory Level for Level One), build the completion screen.
Considering the fact that this is me accomplishing a lifetime dream of building a game (well... an arguably good game), I've been enjoying every second of this experience, even if it does come with a fair share of ass whoopins :D
Check out today's development below: